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时间:2023-04-18 23:54:01       来源:互联网



【题文】Anne sat at the breakfast table, eating her biscuits and reading the print(印刷字) on the box in front of her. Anne’s older sister, Mary, sat across from her, reading the other side of the _______. “Hey, Anne,” she said, “look at this fantastic prize—‘your name in _______’.”As Mary read on, Anne’s interest in the prize _______. “Just send in one dollar and your first name. We will _______ you a special pin(别针) with your name spelled in gold. (Only one each family, please.)”Anne took the box away, with eyes shining in _______. “That’s a smart idea,” she said. “A pin with my very own name spelled in gold. I’m going to send in for it.”“Sorry, Anne, I saw it _______,” said Mary, “so I get first right on it.”“But I want a pin like that so much,” said Anne. “Please let _______ have it!”“No,” said her sister.“You _______ get your way—just because you’re older than me,” said Anne. “Just go ahead and send in for it. See if I _______!” She threw down her spoon and ran from the kitchen, crying.Several weeks ________, the mailman brought a small white package(包裹) addressed to Mary. Anne was dying to see the pin, ________ she wouldn’t let Mary know how badly she wanted to see it. “Well, I guess they sent you your pin. I sure hope you like it,” Anne said in a ________ voice.“Oh, it’s beautiful!” Mary said with the pin in her hand. “________ beautiful letters. Would you like to see it, Anne?”“No, I don’t care about your stupid pin.”Mary put the white box on the desk and went downstairs. As Anne looked in the small box, she was ________. Mixed feelings of love for her sister and ________ at herself filled her heart. There on the pin were four beautiful letters: A-N-N-E.【小题1】A.boxB.bowlC.bottleD.book【小题2】A.silverB.goldC.blackD.white【小题3】A.brokeB.grewC.disappearedD.ended【小题4】A.lendB.buyC.carryD.send【小题5】A.difficultyB.questionC.excitementD.sadness【小题6】A.lastB.firstC.thenD.next【小题7】A.themB.herC.youD.me【小题8】A.everB.hardlyC.alwaysD.never【小题9】A.careB.spellC.lookD.smile【小题10】A.earlierB.afterC.agoD.later【小题11】A.butB.andC.soD.if【小题12】A.meanB.warmC.kindD.friendly【小题13】A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four【小题14】A.scaredB.boredC.shockedD.relaxed【小题15】A.joyB.funC.shameD.happiness




【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述了安妮因为想得到一枚印有自己名字的别针而跟姐姐发生争吵,当收到礼物盒子时,她发现别针上写的是自己的名字,她感到了姐姐深深的爱。【小题1】句意:安妮的姐姐玛丽坐在她对面,阅读着盒子的另一面上的字。box盒子;bowl碗;bottle瓶子;book书。根据上文中“on the box”和句中“sat across from her”可知,玛丽是阅读着印在盒子另一面上的字。故选A。【小题2】句意:她说:“嘿,安妮,看这个奇妙的奖品——用金子印出你的名字。”silver银;gold金;black黑;white白。根据下文中“your name spelled in gold”可知,用金子印出你的名字。故选B。【小题3】句意:随着玛丽继续读下去,安妮对奖品的兴趣越来越大。broke打破;grew增加;disappeared消失;ended结束。根据下文中“Anne took the box away, with eyes shining in excitement”可知,安妮拿走了盒子,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒,所以她对奖品的兴趣越来越大。故选B。【小题4】句意:我们将送你一枚特殊的别针,上面用金子拼出你的名字。lend借出去;buy购买;carry搬运;send邮寄,发送。根据上文中“Just send in one dollar and your first name.”可知,只要寄一美元和你的名字过来,我们就会把带有金制名字的别针寄回去。故选D。【小题5】句意:安妮拿走了盒子,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。difficulty困难;question问题;excitement激动,兴奋;sadness悲伤。根据下文中“A pin with my very own name spelled in gold. I’m going to send in for it.”可知,安妮得知可以得到一枚带有自己名字的特殊别针以后,心情很激动。故选C。【小题6】句意:玛丽说:“对不起,安妮,我先看到的,所以我应该先得到它。”last最后;first首先;then然后;next其次。根据“so I get first right on it”可知,玛丽先看到的,所以她认为自己应该先得到它。故选B。【小题7】句意:安妮说:“但是我非常想要一个那样的别针,请给我吧!”them他们;her他;you你;me我。根据“But I want a pin like that so much”可知,安妮非常想要这个别针,所以想让姐姐把这个别针给自己,此处用me代替Anne。故选D。【小题8】句意:安妮说:“你总是随心所欲——就因为你比我大,你只管去拿那枚别针好了,我才不在乎呢!” ever曾经;hardly几乎不;always总是;never从不。根据下文“She threw down her spoon and ran from the kitchen, crying”可知,安妮很生气,所以此处使用always,表示“安妮认为姐姐总是随心所欲”。故选C。【小题9】句意:安妮说:“你总是随心所欲——就因为你比我大,你只管去拿那枚别针好了,我才不在乎呢!care在乎;spell拼写;look看;smile微笑。根据“Just go ahead and send in for it.”可知,安妮让自己的姐姐去领取那枚别针,因为自己已经不在乎了(实际内心中是在乎的)。故选A。【小题10】句意:几周以后,邮递员带来了一个白色的小包,上面写着是给玛丽的。earlier更早的;after在……以后;ago在……之前;later后来。根据“the mailman brought a small white package…”可知,要先寄送一美元和自己的名字,才能收到别针,所以邮递员送包裹是在几周以后,after用在时间段之前,later用在时间段之后,所以此处使用later。故选D。【小题11】句意:安妮很想看别针,但她不让玛丽知道她有多想看。but但是;and并且;so因此;if如果。根据下文中“No, I don’t care about your stupid pin.”可知,虽然安妮很想看别针,但是又不想让姐姐看出自己的心思,所以此处前后意思转折,使用but。故选A。【小题12】句意:安妮刻薄地说道:“嗯,我猜他们把你的别针寄给你了。我希望你能喜欢。”mean刻薄的;warm温暖的;kind善良的;friendly友好的。根据上文中“but she wouldn’t let Mary know how badly she wanted to see it”可知,安妮不想让姐姐知道自己想看别针的想法,所以她说话的语气虽然很礼貌但是另有它意。故选A。【小题13】句意:四个漂亮的字母,安妮,你想不想看一看?One一;Two二;Three三;Four四。根据下文中“There on the pin were four beautiful letters: A-N-N-E.”可知,是有四个漂亮的字母。故选D。【小题14】句意:当安妮看到小盒子里的时候,她惊呆了。scared害怕的;bored无聊的;shocked震惊的;relaxed放松的。根据“There on the pin were four beautiful letters: A-N-N-E.”可知,当她看到自己的名字时,她感到很震惊。故选C。【小题15】句意:她心里充满了对姐姐的爱和对自己的羞耻的复杂感情。joy欢乐;fun乐趣;shame羞愧;happiness开心。根据上文中“You always get your way—just because you’re older than me”和下文中“There on the pin were four beautiful letters: A-N-N-E.”可知,安妮看到了自己的名字以后,知道刚开始错怪了姐姐,所以她感到羞愧。故选C。

